Course Category: Soft Skills

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Academy Europe Soft Skills Courses



Assertiveness is the quality of being self-assured along with being amiable. It is a mode of communication characterized by confidently affirming statements without need of proof. Assertiveness Course is based on textbook learning material by Academy Europe. Dear Students, The textbook courses by Academy Europe are targeted at providing the…

Time Management Skills

There are several misconceptions which we all have about time. They affect everyone including those persons who may be considered quite successful and effective. Here are some of the misconceptions identified by Dr. Mackenzie: · Time management is simple – all it requires is common sense. While it is true…

Effective Presentation Skills

Effective Presentation Skills – Unless you’re an experienced presenter you may worry that you’re not very good at public speaking or that your presentations aren’t interesting, both of which can make you feel anxious about your performance. The good news is there are lots of things you can do to…

Effective Communication Skills

Developing strong communication skills is essential when it comes to building a successful career. But your communication skills play a key role in your private life too. Learn about the most in-demand communication skills and how to improve them. Successful communication helps us better understand people and situations. It helps us…

The Make or Buy Decision

A make-or-buy decision is an act of choosing between manufacturing a product in-house or purchasing it from an external supplier. Make-or-buy decisions, like outsourcing decisions, speak to a comparison of the costs and advantages of producing in-house versus buying it elsewhere. Certification Academy Europe presents high-quality formal diplomas, certificates and e-certificates which are formal proof and recognition…

Communication Models

The three most well known models for communication are Linear, Interactional, and Transactional. As West & Turner (2007) explain, each model sheds light on the development of communication, but emphasizes different parts of the communication process. Certification Academy Europe presents high-quality formal diplomas, certificates and e-certificates which are formal proof and recognition of accredited online courses. It shows all…

Communication Blockers

A communication blocker is something which can create a divide between people and can impede the flow of effective communication. Communication blocker can create a loss of enthusiasm to communicate and can many times completely break the communication between people. Very often people end up using communication blockers in their…

Change Management Process

The change management process is the sequence of steps or activities that a change management team or project leader follow to apply change management to a change in order to drive individual transitions and ensure the project meets its intended outcomes. The below elements have been identified from research as…

Personal Branding

Personal Branding is a technique that people practice to market themselves (self-promotion) and their careers as brands. This course is divided into various chapters that describes the concept of personal branding and suggests how to practice personal branding. Certification Academy Europe presents high-quality formal diplomas, certificates and e-certificates which are…