Showing 55-63 of 401 results
Effective Communication Skills
Developing strong communication skills is essential when it comes to building a successful career. But your communication skills play a key role in your private life too. Learn about the most in-demand communication skills and how to improve them. Successful communication helps us better understand people and situations. It helps us…
Design of Experiments
The design of experiments (DOE, DOX, or experimental design) is the design of any task that aims to describe and explain the variation of information under conditions that are hypothesized to reflect the variation. The term is generally associated with experiments in which the design introduces conditions that directly affect the variation, but may also refer…
Biometrics Technology
This course provides introductory knowledge on Biometrics. By accessing this tutorial, you would get sufficient information about the basics of biometrics and different biometric modalities such as physiological, behavioral, and combination of both modalities. This tutorial also provides a glimpse of various security issues related to biometric systems, and the…
LTE Technology
LTE stands for Long Term Evolution and it was started as a project in 2004 by telecommunication body known as the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). LTE evolved from an earlier 3GPP system known as the Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS), which in turn evolved from the Global System for…
Downhill Skiing
Downhill skiing is a recreation game for lovers of adventure. It got its origin over the ice rinks of mountains covered by snow. It attracts mostly those people who are drawn to fast gliding and top speeds, which in this case can touch nearly 130kmph. This game is played for…
DNA Replication and Transcription
DNA replication is the process of making two daughter strand where each daughter strand contains half of the original DNA double helix. Transcription is the process of synthesis of RNA using DNA as a template. Certification Academy Europe presents high-quality formal diplomas, certificates and e-certificates which are formal proof and…
Cholesterol Metabolism and Blood Lipoproteins
Cholesterol is recycled in the body. The liver excretes cholesterol into biliary fluids, which are then stored in the gallbladder, which then excretes them in a non-esterified form (via bile) into the digestive tract. Certification Academy Europe presents high-quality formal diplomas, certificates and e-certificates which are formal proof and recognition of accredited online…
SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) is key component of SAP Business Suite and it is used not only to address an organization’s short term goals, but it also helps in reducing cost and increase the decision making ability by defining future strategy. SAP CRM also helps in achieving differentiated…
Basic Electronics
This course supplies basic information on how to use electronic components and explains the logic behind solid state circuit design. Starting with an introduction to semiconductor physics, the tutorial moves on to cover topics such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, transformers, diodes, and transistors. Certification Academy Europe presents high-quality formal diplomas,…