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Academy Europe C++ Courses


Automata Theory

Automata Theory is a branch of computer science that deals with designing abstract selfpropelled computing devices that follow a predetermined sequence of operations automatically. An automaton with a finite number of states is called a Finite Automaton. This is a brief and concise tutorial that introduces the fundamental concepts of Finite Automata,…

Python Data Science

Data is the new Oil. This statement shows how every modern IT system is driven by capturing, storing and analysing data for various needs. Be it about making decision for business, forecasting weather, studying protein structures in biology or designing a marketing campaign. All of these scenarios involve a multidisciplinary…

Machine Learning with Python

Machine Learning (ML) is basically that field of computer science with the help of which computer systems can provide sense to data in much the same way as human beings do. In simple words, ML is a type of artificial intelligence that extract patterns out of raw data by using…

Software Development Life Cycle

SDLC stands for Software Development Life Cycle. SDLC is a process that consists of a series of planned activities to develop or alter the Software Products. This tutorial will give you an overview of the SDLC basics, SDLC models available and their application in the industry. This course also elaborates…

Software Engineering

Software engineering is an engineering branch associated with development of software product using well-defined scientific principles, methods and procedures. The outcome of software engineering is an efficient and reliable software product. Software project management has wider scope than software engineering process as it involves communication, pre and post delivery support…

Software Architecture Design

Software Architecture typically refers to the bigger structures of a software system, and it deals with how multiple software processes cooperate to carry out their tasks. Software Design refers to the smaller structures and it deals with the internal design of a single software process. By the end of this tutorial, the readers…

Simple Object Access Protocol

Simple Object Access Protocol, SOAP is an open-standard, XML-based messaging protocol for exchanging information among computers. This is a brief course that introduces the readers to the fundamentals of SOAP before moving on to explain its various elements, encoding, and how SOAP is transported. Audience This course has been prepared…

Programming Methodologies

When programs are developed to solve real-life problems like inventory management, payroll processing, student admissions, examination result processing, etc., they tend to be huge and complex. Programming Methodology is the approach to analyzing such complex problems by planning the software development and controlling the development process. In this course, we…

Functional Programming of Computer

Functional programming languages are specially designed to handle symbolic computation and list processing applications. Functional programming is based on mathematical functions. Some of the popular functional programming languages include: Lisp, Python, Erlang, Haskell, Clojure, etc. This course by Academy Europe provides a brief overview of the most fundamental concepts…