- Instructor: Philippe Plattard
- Lectures: 43
- Students: 2601
- Duration: 10 weeks
The main objective of auditing is to ensure the financial reliability of any organization. Independent opinion and judgement form the objectives of auditing. Auditing also helps to ensure that the books of accounts are kept according to the rules stipulated in the Companies Act and whether the books of accounts show a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company or not.
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This course by Academy Europe has been prepared for all those readers who wish to have a quick overview of how auditing works and helps organizations in diverse fields.
To understand this course, you need to be familiar with the basics of accounting at workplace.
- 39 Sections
- 43 Lessons
- 10 Weeks
- Auditing - Introduction1
- Auditing - Detection and Prevention of Fraud1
- Auditing - Detection and Prevention of Errors1
- Auditing - Basic Principles1
- Auditing - Advantages1
- Auditing - Limitations1
- Auditing - Classifications1
- Auditing - Preparation before an Audit1
- Auditing - Audit Planning1
- Auditing - Audit Program2
- Auditing - Modification of Audit Program1
- Auditing - Methods of Audit1
- Auditing - Duties of Audit Staff1
- Auditing - Audit Evidence2
- Auditing - Audit Techniques1
- Auditing - Internal Control3
- Auditing - Internal Audit1
- Auditing - Audit Sampling1
- Auditing - Audit Vouching1
- Auditing - Mechanized Accounting1
- Auditing - Trading Transactions1
- Auditing - Vouching of Cash Transactions1
- Auditing - Vouching of Ledger1
- Auditing - Audit Verification1
- Depreciation, Reserves and Provision1
- Auditing - Capital and Revenue1
- Auditing - Audit of Hospitals1
- Auditing - Audit of Educational Institutions1
- Auditing - Audit of Charitable Institutions1
- Auditing - Audit of Clubs & Theatre1
- Auditing - Audit of Sole Proprietary Concern1
- Auditing - Audit of Partnership Firms1
- Auditing - Audit of Doctors1
- Audit of Electricity Supply Company1
- Auditing - Audit of Shipping Company1
- Auditing - Audit of Co-Operative Societies1
- Auditing - Audit of Hotels1
- Auditing - Management Audit1
- Auditing - Tax Audit1